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Wandering Blind Media

Wandering Blind Discuss Band Memories

Updated: Sep 29, 2021

Wandering Blind as a band formed after five lads graduated from high school. While two members would leave the band, with lead vocalist Will Crane leaving in 2018, Wandering Blind still remains. With the band set embark on a new era in 2021; we asked Jack, Kyle and Dan about their experiences in the band up to now.

Q: What are your memories when you first got invited into the band?

Jack: "Well it was kinda me who did the inviting. Me and Will [our old lead singer] had been doing acoustic renditions in a spare room at my house and we decided to get a band together. He invited a friend called Zak as another guitarist and so we needed a bassist and a drummer. I already had the ideas of who I would invite to the band through school, Kyle especially. Kyle I had a couple of classes with him throughout the last two years of school and knew he was a good drummer, of course now I thoroughly believe we got a coup because he's a brilliant musician and really made us think more professionally timing wise and such. In the end Zak ended up inviting him one night after I had said about getting Kyle, mainly because I was worried about him rejecting us [laughs]."

Kyle: "I was in class and was talking to a friend [Jack] about music and they said they were looking for a drummer. I didn’t think much of it, but came to one of the band practices."

Q: What is your first rehearsal memory?

Jack: "Well the first rehearsal with Will and me I can't really remember, I just said I'd been writing songs and he said he was a singer and so we started doing music together. But we'd been good friends before that and kind of had this 'us versus the world' mentality that we ended up having when we began rehearing. As for a full band rehearsal, the first one was a bit of a shit show [laughs]! We only had one loud guitar amp at the time as Dan (our old bassist) had plugged his bass into the other one and wrecked the speaker cone, Dan didn't have his own amp at the time, he had only just purchased his own bass guitar at that point. We didn't know much about why it's a stupid idea to stick a bass into a guitar amp, a lesson we quickly learned. So, this first rehearsal session which was meant to sway Kyle into joining our band officially was essentially me and him playing a track only I knew! I remember Kyle brought his own drum kit and it was loud, like I'm pretty sure we had to put the guitar amp right in between both us so we could hear each other. Zak and Dan didn't know the song so I'm pretty sure they were sat on the couch trying to get a word in between our racket, while a microphone-less Will was just trying to chip in. I think it's a wholesome idea to look back at our naivety and how we've kicked off from there and actually bought some fucking amps [laughs]!

Kyle: "I went to the next band practice and brought my drum kit; we went through a couple songs just mucking around. My kit was super loud because we were in a standard room, so everyone pretty much went deaf that day [laughs]!"

Q: Best gig memory?

Jack: "[Erm], probably the one we played at the now defunct Heya Bar. I know that'll probably be everyone else's answer but it's the one where it just clicked. We'd had a really poor gig the week before which we had tried a lot of new material out and essentially flopped. So when we played there we had a point to prove and I think we did [prove it]."

Kyle: "My best gig memory was at the Flamin' Galah [for Banter in the Galah 3]. We put together a really nice set, I personally thought this was our best performance. We had a nice crowd that was getting into it and school mates that were kind enough to come to Brisbane and watch us play."

Q: Favourite song?

Jack: "Being the one who writes them I feel like I'm the most infatuated and most critical of them. But I'd say 'Only a Matter Of Time', I don't know something about me makes me feel different?"

Kyle: "My favourite original band song would be ‘Wipe the Slate Clean’. It’s really fun to play, not just for me but the whole band. It’s also one of our fast songs and the crowd love it."

Q: Where do you see the band going next?

Jack: "Ahh, now that would be telling, wouldn't it?"

Kyle: "We’ve had a break for a while. But when we get back, I see the band going back through our songs, re-editing some of them and hopefully recording [them] for the world to listen to."

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Charly Swanenberg
Charly Swanenberg
Oct 04, 2021

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